Sign-Rite Grafix Logo – 35 Years Rebrand

Sign-Rite Grafix was established in 1985, making year 2020 our 35th anniversary. Over that time we have certainly observed many changes in the sign industry but one thing that has been consistent is our company logo! In fact, for 28 years of trading we have had pretty much the same branding.

Bevel and emboss effects, outlines and fades have come and gone, but our company colours and logo have remained.

So why change now? Surely ‘if it aint broke, don’t fix it’?

As an established family business we aim to engage our market experience and creative thinking to continually exceed client expectations. Likewise, as a company we are keen to stay at the forefront of design aesthetics. What better time for an update than to coincide with our 35th anniversary?!

The Sign-Rite Grafix logo has served us well and is recognised by our clients as well as loved by us. However, in the same way that we have helped many businesses sympathetically transition their branding, we knew we could achieve the same for ourselves. The key was remaining true to our essence, retaining our core colour palette for continuity and client recognition. It has taken months of careful thought. Many variations and edits have been up for deliberation but we are thrilled with the final outcome and delighted to announce that this is now the Sign-Rite Grafix logo:

The rebrand process will be gradual but by 2020 we expect to have fully transitioned across all platforms to our new logo, celebrating 35 years of business. Follow us on Instagram for real-time updates.

Warm Regards

The Sign-Rite Grafix family

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